Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Cold Dawn Of The 21st Morning Of April In Texas

The view through the bars of my patio prison cell on this 21st morning of April indicates the sky over this part of the planet is free of clouds.

What you can not see via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell is that it is only 16 degrees above freezing in the outer world.

48 degrees. Brrrr.

The temperature predictors are predicting a high of 75, with low humidity today.

This would seem to be a perfect day to go to the Fort Worth Main St. Arts Festival.

The last time I went to the Main St. Arts Festival it was a cloudy, hot, muggy Saturday. Today will not be a cloudy, hot, muggy Saturday.

I think I will go swimming now before it gets any colder and ponder whether or not I want to go to the bother of going to downtown Fort Worth today to mingle with a HUGE crowd of people.

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