Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Final Thursday Of April Dawns Warm

The sun has arrived on this last Thursday of April, as you can see via the view from my secondary viewing portal on the outer world.

What you can not see is it is already 69 degrees, heading to a high of 90, if the temperature predictors are correct.

This morning CatsPaw offered to do some photo journalizing for me regarding a bridge. I think I've got it covered, but I can always use more photos.

Elsie Hotpepper sent me a link, this morning, to an article about animal cruelty in my neighborhood. Apparently the case of animal cruelty was discovered by a pair of guys who I caused to spill their beer at last year's Prairie Fest. The article is titled City’s Lack Of Response In Animal Cruelty Case Disturbs Fort Worth Pet Sitters.

I also find the City of Fort Worth's response to these guy's attempt to fix something wrong to be disturbing.

Well, it is that time in the morning when I take a break from being disturbed and go swimming.

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