Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mom & Big Sister: I Am Still On The Ground In Texas Waiting To Ride A Tornado To Oz

In the picture it is about 5 in the afternoon, heading east on John T. White Road. If the clouds were not wreaking havoc with visibility, I would be seeing the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, popping up on the horizon.

Today is the first BIG Texas Storm I've experienced in what seems a long time. Til today it had been a long time since I've heard tornado sirens.

I believe the tornado sirens I heard today were due to the tornado that struck an Old Folk's Home south of Lake Arlington, blowing apart one wing.

At my location I had some thunder action and a few big balls of hail that made a lot of noise. And some heavy rain.

My mom was watching the coverage on CNN which made it sound as if the Dallas/Fort Worth area was being obliterated by an onslaught of killer tornadoes. I assured my mom that it was not as bad as it sounds.

I was barely off the phone with my mom when my big sister called. By big sister I mean oldest sister. My big sister had also been watching CNN, up in Washington. My sister told me she'd seen video of semi-trailers being blown away by a tornado.

At that point in time I'd not seen any video of blowing semi-trailers.

So, after I finished talking to my big sister I turned on CNN.

Well, CNN did make it sound as if we were in the throes of a major emergency, using phrases like "Breaking Emergency News."

I then saw the video of the flying semi-trailers. It did look scary.

I heard on the radio, a few minutes ago, that a tornado touched down on the ball field in the Ballpark in Arlington. I find that a bit hard to believe.

However, when my mom called I did tell her that one of the tornadoes was following a path that took it by Six Flags and the motel they stayed in when they were last here. So, I suppose that tornado could have visited the Ballpark in Arlington.

And this just in from Elsie Hotpepper, relating to Arlington...

Explain this to me, from my experience declaring a disaster is done by the Governor.  Arlington's mayor made his own declaration?? 

Well,  Elsie, isn't Arlington's mayor still Chuck Cluck? Isn't Mayor Chuck Cluck known for running around like a chicken with his head cut off? And for being part of the worst abuse of eminent domain in American history. You really expect him to know the proper protocol for declaring a disaster area?

Anyway, it seems the storms are over at my location. Til the next time.

1 comment:

  1. the safest place to be in dallas during tornado happenings would have to be the football stadium.. As they rarely have touchdowns.
