Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Day Before Easter Thinking About Riding A Bike & Camping In A Tent

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on this 7th morning of April you might guess I got up after the sun did this day before Easter Sunday.

You would be guessing right.

The winter-like chill that has plagued us the past few mornings seems to have abated.

This morning, at 61 degrees, we are almost 30 degrees above freezing.

I see a bike ride in my future for today. Where I will pedal I do not currently know.

I will likely go to Town Talk today. I drove by Town Talk on Wednesday and saw their reader board said "Tent Sale Thursday - Saturday."

I could use a tent. It has been years since I've gone camping. The Queen of Wink caused me to think of tent camping a couple days ago. I used to have all the stuff one needs to go camping. I have no idea what has become of all that stuff.

I think I'll go swimming now before it gets any later, or hotter.

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