Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Admiring The Chocolate Trinity River While Worrying About The Daily Don Young Attacks

That beautiful chocolate brown body of water you are looking at in the picture is the Trinity River flowing by Quanah Parker Park today.

Yesterday's storming did not drop a lot of rain, so the Trinity is not overflowing like it does when it goes into flood mode, covered with an astonishing volume of litter.

The Trinity River was on my mind earlier today when I saw that the dead TRIP website has been revived. More on that later. Maybe.

Regarding yesterday's tornado storms, Don Young sent out an amusing email sort of on that subject...

A few very nice people from around the country have emailed asking if I survived Tuesday's tornado attack around Fort Worth. Thankfully, the storm went around my home. Nothing but heavy rain struck my house. With roughly 25,000 gas wells in the vicinity and a rogue's gallery of corrupt officials and formerly legitimate organizations attacking me daily, a few tornadoes are no big deal. You haven't heard the last from FWCANDO.

These daily attacks on Don Young must cease at once. I saw Don Young's "natural" landscaping on Saturday.  I think the local moronic minions may be attacking Don Young's tall grass any day now, if they have not already done so.

Today Don Young also emailed his April Prairie Notes.

I'd link to the April Prairie Notes, but they aren't up yet on the Friends of the Tandy Hills Natural Area website.

What I can tell you about the April Prairie Notes is you need to go to the Star-Telegram's Spring Snapshots Photo Contest and vote for Don Young's 4 Tandy Hills pics. The Star-Telegram does not make it easy to vote for a pic.

I think yesterday's storming, with its lightning strikes and tornadoes, amped up the amount of negative ions ionizing the air of North Texas. I am breathing easy, as if I was back in Arizona. I have not touched any of my many nasal sprays since yesterday's storm blew past.

I know it won't last, but I am going to enjoy breathing free in Texas while I can.

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