Monday, April 9, 2012

The 2nd Monday Morning Of April Is Very Foggy In Texas

The Monday morning view from all my viewing portals on the outer world is the foggiest I ever remember seeing from this location.

It is a thick fog that feels like drizzle when you step outside.

Apparently the weather predictors have now decided to predict rain and more thunder from now through Wednesday.

I do not know where I will be getting any bi-pedal endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation today.

Of late I have managed to make the swimming a bit more strenuous and perhaps a bit more aerobic. But I don't know if that aerobic-ness has reached an endorphin inducing level.

I went to Miss Puerto Rico's yesterday late in the afternoon for the first time in a long time. I did not stay long. We need not discuss why.

I got back to my abode looking forward to watching The Amazing Race to find that once again some sports thing running on too long had delayed the start of the race. I have no idea what sports thing did the damage last night. I'm fairly certain it was not football. That would seem to leave baseball, basketball or golf as the likely culprit.

I think I will walk out into the super dense fog and go swimming now before it gets any foggier or lightning starts striking.

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