Friday, March 23, 2012

A Warm Morning In The Valley Of The Sun On The 4th Friday Of March With A Cacophony Of Tweeting Birds

The view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world on this 4th Friday of the 3rd month of 2012 looks about the same as the view yesterday morning and the morning before that.

Tomorrow the morning view will also likely be the same. And then the morning after that there should be a drastic change in the view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world, if all goes according to the current schedule.

The sun has now arrived in the Valley of the Sun and has already heated the air to 61 degrees, making this the first morning I have been in Arizona that is warmer than my regular location north of being deep in the heart of Texas, where it is only 45 degrees this morning.

I am not exactly sure what today has in store for me. I have heard hiking on a mountain mentioned. I am not quite certain where this mountain is. I have heard Sweet Tomatoes mentioned. I may go swimming with my Esther Williams wannabe ladies this morning.

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