Friday, March 16, 2012

A Second Sun Lakes Walk Without Getting Lost This Time

If I Had A Pole I Might Go Fishing
This morning, unlike yesterday, I managed a walk along the Sun Lakes greenbelt without managing to get lost.

I did not get lost and I managed to find two more of the Sun Lakes.

My lungs are really appreciating breathing in all this clean air.

The Sun Lakes are also clean. I learned this via signs posted next to the lakes. During some months of the year you must release any fish you catch, but, with most months of the year, releasing is not required.

I saw catfish among the types of fish that can be caught in the Sun Lakes. So, a Texan would be right at home fishing here. You are restricted to using only one pole. This seems reasonable to me.

I Am Planning On Moving To This House
I don't remember if I have mentioned, previously, that the Southwest style of architecture is my favorite. My house in Mount Vernon, far north of the Southwest, was Southwest inspired, with a touch of Frank Lloyd Wright thrown in.

I liked the house you see in the picture. It faces one of the Sun Lakes. It has a driveway that leads to the greenbelt's paved trail. In the driveway sat an electric golf cart.

A lot of these Sun Lakes people motor about on electric golf carts.

With no golfing involved. You can drive to the Sun Lakes' Basha grocery store in your golf cart.

I have seen no electric Volt cars motoring on Sun Lakes' greenbelt's paved trail.

We are currently in a BBQ cooking frenzy here in preparation for this afternoon's BBQ in Chandler.

This morning, for breakfast, among other things, I picked a grapefruit. Making this the absolutely freshest grapefruit I've ever had. Freshly picked oranges, too. But, I did not pick the oranges.

I have been told there is a pass for me to go swimming in any of Sun Lakes' 5 swimming pools. These are heated pools. I do not know if my delicate sensibilities can handle a heated pool.

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