Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday On The Tandy Hills With Twins, Gentle Giants, Skateboards & Ratdogs

The Mount Tandy Wagon Trail
Noon Saturday had me back atop Mount Tandy, walking on the Tandy Hills Wagon Trail that heads west towards the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

As you can see, the 3rd day of March is a dry, blue sky, pre-spring Saturday in North Texas.

The hills were unusually alive with human activity today.

I was barely on Mount Tandy when I saw a pair of what looked to be identical twins, with one of the twins carrying a skateboard. Why would anyone carry a skateboard on the Tandy Hills I could not help but wonder?

The sign prohibiting horses, bikes and motorized vehicles makes no mention of prohibiting skateboards. I think that prohibition will need to be added if this skateboarding the Tandy Hills thing starts to get out of control.

Soon after seeing the twins I came upon a Gentle Giant, in full Alpine style hiking attire, with a pair of little ratdogs (aka chihuahuas). I exchanged pleasantries with the Gentle Giant and his ratdogs, then continued on my way.

A short time after leaving the ratdogs I came upon a male/female human combo. This pair did not seem to be enjoying themselves, did not appear to be dressed for hill hiking and were not very Texas friendly with their howdying.

I like my howdies to be hearty with a good dose of twang.

It is almost 4 in the afternoon, with Saturday currently being heated to only 56 degrees at my location on the planet, according to my computer based temperature monitoring device.

I had a good long swim this morning. That was colder than the morning before. I suspect Sunday morning's swim, if there is one, will be even colder.

1 comment:

  1. People in my neighborhood are more likely to say Jak se mas? than howdy.
