Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The First Wednesday Of March Dawns Dry & Warm So I Am Going Swimming

On this first Wednesday of the third month of 2012 I stepped outside to my secondary viewing portal on the outer world to look through the bars of my patio prison cell at the very dark pre-dawn darkness.

I expected wetness to be covering the outer world, this morning, because that was what had been predicted to occur by the weather predictors.

The wind howled most of the night, but I don't think it blew in anything wet.

Currently the outer world, soon after the arrival of the nuclear sky orb has begun its daily heating duty, is headed to 62 degrees.

I will be going swimming this morning.

Speaking of swimming, last night I got an email from my mom and dad that said, "Remember to pack your swim suit. 84 here today."

As you can intuit from the above, my temperature fixation is genetic.

I'm going swimming now before it gets any hotter.

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