Thursday, March 1, 2012

The First Morning Of March Roars In Like A Meek Lion

Stepping outside to check out the outer world from my secondary viewing portal on this first morning of a new month it appears that March has roared in like a very meek lion.

A very meek lion chilled 5 degrees colder, at 50 degrees, than the last morning of February.

50 degrees has me thinking I may not go swimming this morning. Yesterday's swim was a bit on the bracing side.

In about 3 weeks the Vernal Equinox should arrive. By that point in time I should be back being able to reliably get my early morning swimming aerobic stimulation again. I hope.

Changing the subject once again from the sublime to the ridiculous.

I read this morning that up in my old home state Ron Paul is fussing with the Republican party of King County, that being where Seattle is located, over something to do with Saturday's caucuses.

I'm thinking Ron Paul is likely appealing to a lot of Washington's inordinate number of extremely free-spirited wacky thinkers.

If Ron Paul wins the Washington caucuses is this embarrassing for Washington? I suspect a maybe on that question.

What I do know for sure is if I was currently residing in Washington I'd be going to my Republican caucus on Saturday and voting for Ron Paul. He so reminds me of the crazy uncle I always wish I'd had.

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