Saturday, March 10, 2012

Downpouring Rain Aborts A Fosdic Lake Walk

Heading East On Wet Randol Mill Road
On my way to walk around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park I called one of my few relatives who remain in Washington to suggest this relative make a surprise appearance at next week's BBQ in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler.

Before I got as far as Fosdic Lake, downpouring rain caused me to abort the walking plan and head to Town Talk instead.

I did not get too wet walking into a very busy Town Talk.

Exiting Town Talk I got wetter than entering. And thunder had been added to the weather mix.

As you can see, in the above picture, the noontime weather conditions had turned dark and dire enough to require headlights in the on position and windshield wipers set to wipe at their highest speed.

By the time I made it back inside my abode I was not completely saturated with water. Almost, but not completely.

Have those who determine such things determined yet that the Great North Texas Drought is over?

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