Friday, March 9, 2012

The 2nd Friday Of March Dawns Cold In Texas With Thoughts Of Bingo & BBQ

The temperature differential between the inner and outer world at my location on the planet is causing the view from my primary viewing portal on the world to be a bit steamy on this 2nd Friday of the 3rd month of 2012.

It is currently only 39 degrees with the sun only a few minutes into its daily heating duty.

39 degrees is 30 degrees colder than yester morning.

I do not believe I will attempt swimming this morning.

The weather predictors are predicting that precipitation is going to precipitate on North Texas again today. I prefer it when the weather predictors predict no precipitation precipitating.

Tonight is a Paradise Center Camp Bowie Bingo Night. I may be confusing reality with a dream, but I think Riscky's BBQ is somehow involved with the Bingoing.

I have not had a Riscky's BBQ rib since my mom and dad were here the first week of 2009.

I wish I could say I am going swimming now, but I strongly feel I can't.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man. That Camp Bowie is truly a refreshing entertainment experience. Our friends invited us last weekend, when the Free Food Friday fare was bar-b-q sandwiches from Riskey's. Tonight was healthy sandwiches from Subway. There were lots of binho games and tons of cash and other prizes. Tonight featured a cowboy who sang Elvis songs on the karaoke stage before some fun bingoing. We especially like Sarina and other Paradise volunteers who help make it a very fun and even an uplifting experience. We recommend it to you.
