Friday, March 2, 2012

The 2nd Day Of March Dawns Bright In Texas With Real Housewives Of Vancouver

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on the second day of the third month of 2012 it appears to be yet one more blue sky morning in Texas.

Currently heated to almost 60 degrees.

With these balmy temperatures I really have no choice but to go swimming this morning.

Yesterday I blogged about Vancouver. This morning I was surprised to read that BRAVO TV is adding Vancouver to their Real Housewives franchises, as in soon we will be able to watch The Real Housewives of Vancouver.

This will certainly be more scenic than some of the other Real Housewives locations. But, I have such an aversion to hearing every sentence ending with the "eh?" question that I think listening to Vancouver housewives might quickly wear on my nerves. However, watching ultra-polite Canadian women cat fighting, which is a Real Housewives staple, might be amusing.

Speaking of yesterday's blogging about Vancouver, well, actually, it really was not about Vancouver, it was about Fort Worth, a commenter had this to say........

Cowtown Confidential has left a new comment on your post "Top Chef Texas In Vancouver Has Me Pondering The Fort Worth Vision Boondoggles": 

The Woodshed looks like a rousing success for JD Granger and Tim Love and the Trinity River Vision. The Vision includes more than just the Trinity Uptown project. Far as I know. I'm basing my opinion on a super hefty reporter's Facebook page. He is a big fan of The Woodshed in more ways than one. Is the super hefty Star-Telegram reporter auditioning for a job with the Trinity River Vision when the Startled Gram tanks? I can't say. 

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