Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday Dawns Bright In Texas With A Big Bowl Of Chili & Chicken Wings

The first Sunday of the second month of 2012 has dawned chilly enough to require the turning on of my furnace.

As you can see, via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell, the biggest holiday of the year, Super Bowl Sunday, is looking serene and peaceful at my location on this troubled planet.

I now know who is playing in the Super Bowl.

It is the New York Giants against America's Team, the New England Patriots.

Apparently the New England Patriots have won the Super Bowl 4 times. It seems appropriate, to me, that a team named "Patriots" would be America's Team rather than a team of "Cowboys".

Over 111 million football fans are going to be joining me watching Super Bowl XLVI.

Why does the Super Bowl persist in using the pretentious Roman Numeral counting method? I'm guessing around 99% of football fans could not count using Roman Numerals if their life depended on it. I know I can't. I think VI may be 6. Is XL 60? With X being 50 and L being 10? Making this Super Bowl 66? Or is XL 50 minus 10? Making it Super Bowl 46?

The only part of it I am remotely looking forward to is my Super Bowl Party and the Madonna halftime show.

For my Super Bowl Party I've made the biggest pot of chili I've ever made. Along with pico de gallo, guacamole, dozens of chicken wings, 3 pumpkin pies and fixin's for multiple platters of nachos.

I think I will go running the Tandy Hills around noon to help increase my calorie deficit in preparation for my Super Bowl Party.

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