Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Saturday Walk In Quanah Parker Park Wondering About Fort Worth Park Benches

Quanah Parker Park Fort Worth Horseshoe Pit Benches
In the picture you are looking at Fort Worth park benches in Fort Worth's Quanah Parker Park.

This particular collection of park benches is a waiting area for people playing horseshoes in the nearby horseshoe pit.

I parked at Quanah Parker Park to go on a brisk walk today on my way to Town Talk.

In the Fort Worth Parks that I frequent there are park benches on which "FORT WORTH" is spelled out on the bench backs.

I don't know if I've ever seen another town that puts its name on its park benches.

I can not help but wonder if it costs extra to have a name put on a park bench. I know Fort Worth is flush with money, so such things are not an issue.

I'm guessing in a town with a cash flow woe, causing cutbacks in library hours and the closing of public pools, in that type town extra money would not be spent on something as frivolous as putting the town's name on its park benches.

My walk in Quanah Parker Park today was mostly dry until precipitation began precipitating in copious amounts right when I got back to the waterproof inside of my vehicular transport. The precipitation continues to precipitate in copious amounts.

I miss the drought.

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