Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Playing With The Lethargic Fosdic Lake Fosducks Today While Sweltering In The Humid Heat

Flock Of Fosdic Fosducks Passed Out
The Fosdic Lake Fosducks were not be their usual skittish selves today at Oakland Lake Park.

Methinks they may be suffering from the same malady of which I am suffering. As in this sudden return to warm temperatures and high humidity does not a perky duck or boy make.

In the mid afternoon time frame it is 72 degrees at my location on the planet.

I have my windows open.

I overheated today walking around Fosdic Lake. Of late, I can not seem to find the correct balance between being overdressed or underdressed. I either overheat, or start shivering, before I realize I am not properly attired to endure the current state of the elements.

Earlier today I mentioned that Elsie Hotpepper had gone missing again. By mid-morning I'd located Miss Hotpepper. So, we can all quit worrying about a missing Elsie Hotpepper.

I am going to Wal-Mart in a short while to stock up on meds. I thought my cold/allergy symptoms had abated when I got up this morning. As is way too often the case, I thought wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I will cancel my missing persons alert with the authorities. Elsie has turned up?!?!
    I though she took a moonlighting job at the Woodshed!
