Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Last Day Of February Pondering The Sublime & The Ridiculous

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on this last day of the second month of 2012 it does not appear any of the predicted precipitation precipitated overnight.

The landscape at my location is dry.

I also heard none of the predicted lightning strikes last night.

Currently tomorrow's first day of March is predicted to roar in like a semi-HOT lion with the predicted high being 81 degrees.

Changing the subject from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Mitt Romney won both Republican primaries yesterday.

Newt Gingrich tried to explain to the zealot Rick Santorum that he was comprehension challenged when Santorum said a 1960 JFK speech made him want to throw up. Gingrich praised the speech.

Next up for the Republicans is Saturday's Washington caucus. My one and only time of going to a Washington caucus was the year Clinton ended up getting elected. I voted for Paul Tsongas at my caucus.

I hope, on Saturday, the Washington Republican caucus does something interesting, like giving the win to Ron Paul.

Enough of the ridiculous, I'm going swimming now. What with it being a balmy 55 degrees at this point in time this morning.

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