Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Delicate Arch Evidence That Texas Has Aged Me Beyond My Years

Tonight I was looking for a picture of myself when I was fatter than I am now, due to having a use for a picture of myself being fatter than I am now.

But, I could not find a picture of myself being fatter than I am now.

While looking for a fat picture I came upon one of my all time favorite pictures. I applied the Picasa Picnik CinemaScope filter to the picture, which explains the black bars at top and bottom.

This picture was taken about a year before I moved to Texas. I'd been stuck on a Lake Powell Houseboat for 4 days, and then to Moab, where eventually we went to Arches National Park and hiked to Delicate Arch, which is what is in the background in the picture.

Looking at this picture it is appalling to see such stark evidence of the degree to which Texas and its harsh climate has so greatly aged me. Maybe the passage of 12 years made some contribution.

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