Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Windy Xeriscaped Walk In Veterans Park Wondering Why Betty Jo Bouvier Chose To Be Happy

I had to be in Pantego today in the noon time frame, so, since I was in the neighborhood I dropped in for a visit with the soldier who stands guard at the memorial in Veterans Park in Arlington.

As you might guess from the 3 flags waving, a strong wind was blowing in Arlington today.

I saw several groups disc golfing. A strong, gusty wind would not seem to be ideal for disc golfing.

Speaking of disc golfing. There are signs in Veterans Park advising that you be on the lookout for flying discs. Methinks disc golf parks should have their own designated park. It does not seem right to be required to dodge flying discs in a multi-use park.

I walked on the trails that meander through the Veterans Park Xeriscape display garden that shows people native Texas plants they can plant which require little water.

This had me wondering if Veterans Park were located in Fort Worth if the city would issue a citation to Veterans Park for having tall native grass growing that does not match the other yards in the neighborhood, like Fort Worth did to the Young couple who live across the street from the Tandy Hills, hills which are covered by native grass and other plants that grow naturally in Texas?

Changing the subject from the City of Fort Worth's bad behavior to happiness.

Betty Jo Bouvier has been on a trek to find the meaning of life. Just minutes ago I saw on Facebook what Betty Jo has discovered so far, that being that "Happiness is a Choice."

I did not know this.

I know happiness is discussed in the American Declaration of Independence, something about the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If happiness is a choice, like Betty Jo Bouvier believes, then why would you need to pursue it, I can't help but wonder? In Betty Jo's America you don't pursue happiness, you simply choose happiness.

I wonder if Thomas Jefferson had the benefit of Betty Jo Bouvier's more enlightened view would he have changed his wording to "Life, Liberty and the Choice of Happiness?"

Doesn't quite have the same poetic ring that Thomas Jefferson's wording has.

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