Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We Are Freezing In Texas With No Snow Unlike Snowbound Western Washington

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world, on this 18th day of the New Year, you might guess, due to the frosty window pane, that it is freezing this morning in Texas.

Your guess would be correct. My computer-based temperature monitoring device indicates it is currently 27 degrees.

Once again the morning temperature at my current home location is the same as my old home location in Mount Vernon, Washington.

Up in my old home location, this morning, it is not only cold. it is covered deeply in snow.

Pretty much every school in the Puget Sound zone of Western Washington is closed today. The only one I saw open was Anacortes, starting two hours late, subject to change. Seattle is shut down. Flights in and out of Sea-Tac have been cancelled.

I suspect when the sun arrives over the West Coast this morning, in less than two hours, my old neighborhood will be a Winter Wonderland of sleds sliding and skis skiing.

I wish I was there.


  1. The funny thing is, when there's snow, it's like insulation. It just doesn't feel as cold.

  2. CatsPaw, that is so true. Snow muffles sound too. Very peaceful.

    Read the comment from a TX Snowphobe to yesterday's blogging about Spencer Jack & his dad driving by my old snowy home in Washington. Apparently some Texans don't understand snow.

  3. I read it. I wonder if TX Snowphobe is from snow country because snow events in Texas rarely survive long. Last winter, we had a couple of rounds that stayed on the ground for longer than I've seen in my 30+ years in Texas. Everyone freaks out for a day, runs to the store for a month's worth of bread, slides into the ditch, and, usually, within 24-36 hours, the sun is out melting snow and ice away to nothing. And then the next week, it's 65 or 70 degrees.

    I will admit that February, in my home state, can look dirty, crusty, and nasty along the roadways.

  4. CatsPaw, in Washington the snow in the lowlands never stays very long. I talked to my sister in Kent, suburb south of Seattle, today. She told me the thaw is supposed to start tonight, with the snow melting before it can get dark and dirty. I hope we don't have a repeat of last winter's Texas snow and ice. A couple days of it will be fine, though.
