Monday, January 2, 2012

The Second Day Of 2012 Dawns Cold In Texas With Genetic Material From Christopher Columbus The Grand Marshall Of The Rose Bowl Parade

Looking at the outer world through the bars of my patio prison cell on this 2nd day of the New Year you can see I am up well before the sun on this first Monday of 2012.

What you can not tell, via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell, is that the outer world at my location on the planet is currently chilled to only 2 degrees above freezing.

For more reasons than the frigid temperatures, this morning will not see a repeat of the New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge into that inviting pool of turquoise.

I am doing no plunging today of any sort. I am in full body ache mode. I think I may have strained myself on New Year's Eve. From the start of New Year's Day I was aching, but I thought it'd quickly get better, particularly after I flooded my bloodstream with pain reducing endorphins via aerobic stimulation on the Tandy Hills.

But the Tandy Hills hiking seemed only to exacerbate the aching. I think I may need a morphine drip. Can you get that at Wal-Mart?

Changing the subject from pain to football.

Didn't the Rose Bowl used to take place on New Year's Day, along with other bowls, like the Sugar and Orange and Cotton flavor of bowls?

I don't pay much attention to football, but I notice a football headline when I read the news. Like this morning,  I read the Dallas Cowboys lost once again, thus ending their playoff hopes, once again, for another season.

And I read the Rose Bowl Parade and football game are today, the day after New Year's Day. Some sort of "Occupy" action is being anticipated for the Rose Bowl Parade, along with righteously protesting Native Americans not liking the idea of having a descendant of Christopher Columbus being the Grand Marshall of the parade.

I've not watched the Rose Bowl Parade in a long long time. I probably won't be watching it today.

1 comment:

  1. When New Year's is on Sunday, the Rose Bowl and Rose Parade have always been deferred until Monday. Strange. I never really thought of Southern California as part of "The Bible Belt" before!
