Sunday, January 1, 2012

On The Tandy Hills On The First Day Of The New Year Finding A Horse On A Pedestal A Fallen Teepee Plus A Couple Tires Being Friendly

The Tandy Trojan Horse With A Stunning View
It was back on the Tandy Hills again today for a cooler hike than yesterday's warmer hike.

I'd not seen the Tandy Trojan Horse Shrine for several weeks. The Tandy Trojan Horse has now been put on a pedestal, with a ribbon around its neck, tethering the horse to the pedestal.

I suppose the Tandy Trojan Horse has been put on a pedestal so it can enjoy a better view of the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

Speaking of Fort Worth and the Tandy Hills, when I returned to my abode, and checked email, I found incoming from Don Young. This is both the first day of a New Year and the first day of the first month of the New Year.

Since this is the first day of the month this means Don Young's Prairie Notes have arrived. More on that later, but among the things made mention of was how few people, in a town of nearly 800,000, enjoy the natural world via the Tandy Hills. Apparently Don Young has frequently opined that if the Tandy Hills were in Austin it would be over-run by people. I have often said the same thing, but have substituted Seattle for Austin.

The Tandy Bamboo Teepee Massacre
I was shocked, shocked I tell you, to come across an act of sabotage, or vandalism, or both, on the Tandy Hills today. Yesterday I walked through the open grove where the Tandy Bamboo Teepee had been installed by the Tandy Hills Guerrilla Artist. The Bamboo Teepee was standing tall yesterday, with 2 bamboo poles added to it since I'd previously seen it.

Sometime after one in the afternoon, of New Year's Eve, the Tandy Bamboo Teepee was destroyed, and is now laying on the ground.

There are few things sadder than a fallen teepee. It put me in mind of the Sand Creek Massacre.

A Tandy Tire Mounted On A Tandy Tire
I'd not walked the Tandy Highway for maybe a month. The last time I checked on the mysterious Tandy Tires  I found two of them had moved close to each other, about 30 feet apart.

Today I was sort of embarrassed to find that tire pair coupling, flagrante dilecto, with the female tire on top of the male, right out in the open on the highway.

I suspect the next time I walk the Tandy Highway I may find a litter of little baby tires.

I did not see a single human on the Tandy Hills today, unless I count myself as a human. I thought what with it being such a nice first day of the New Year that I would see some locals enjoying the natural outer world.

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