Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Next To Last Sunday Of 2012 Dawns Cloudy & Frost-Free In Texas

Today is already the next to last Sunday morning of the first month of the New Year.

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on this 22nd Day of 2012, after the arrival of the sun, you might be able to tell that there is a layer of clouds between my location on the planet and that aforementioned sun.

Due to the lack of condensation on the primary viewing portal's window panes. you might also guess that this morning, unlike yester morning, it is not freezing.

We are already heated to 50 degrees this morning, heading to a high of 69, if the temperature predictors prediction is correct. Those same weather predictors are also advising that it will be windy today. I am never quite sure why we need this advice.

Meanwhile up in my old home zone it is also windy, but their weather predictors make it sound more dire with the words HIGH WIND WARNING.

Below are the 5 Day Forecasts for my new home zone and my old home zone. The new home zone first, then the old home zone. Looking at those forecasts which would be your home zone choice?????

Unfortunately, I don't think I'd be going swimming this morning no matter which of my home zones I was currently located in.

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