Sunday, January 8, 2012

Listening To Bird Jazz With The Village Creek Indian Ghosts & Finding The Gate To Fort Chesapeake Still Open

A very cloudy sky made for a not very blue Village Creek Blue Bayou today.

Today I think there were more vehicles parked in the Village Creek Natural Historical Area's parking lot than I've ever seen before.

Apparently walking with the Indian Ghosts who haunt Village Creek is growing popular with the locals.

I can understand why walking with the Indian Ghosts who haunt Village Creek is growing popular with the locals.

It is very relaxing.

Today the walk with the Village Creek Indian Ghosts was both very relaxing and very quiet. The only sound was the symphony of chirping birds tweeting the bird version of improvisational jazz.

After I was done listening to bird jazz I drove to the ALDI Food Market in Pantego to get some food. Like a big spiral cut ham.

Upon arrival back in my home zone I saw that the gates of Fort Chesapeake are still open.

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