Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fort Worth Has Plenty To Be Proud Of Other Than Falsely Claiming To Have The World's First Indoor Rodeo

Earlier today I blogged about how we in Fort Worth take great pride in allegedly having the world's first indoor rodeo.

Today, in the noon time frame, on my way to Town Talk, I took a walk in the newly re-opened, flood-free, Quanah Parker Park.

In Quanah Parker Park benches have been installed underneath the newly installed solar-powered dim lighting. I am sure it is with great pride that Fort Worth makes its name part of these benches.

I saw the light coming from the Quanah Parker Park solar lights Friday before last, on my way to not finding the Paradise Center Camp Bowie Bingo. Not a lot of light shines down on that bench, after dark, courtesy of solar-powered light.

Earlier today, after I blogged about Fort Worth taking great false pride in the bogus belief that Fort Worth has the world's first indoor rodeo I pondered what, if anything, in my opinion, Fort Worth might be legitimately proud of.


I like the Fort Worth Stockyards. I think the Fort Worth Stockyards are something Fort Worth can legitimately take pride in. I also think the city should work harder at making the Stockyards more attractive. Though, I must say, the Stockyards have greatly improved, appearance-wise, since I first saw the Stockyards, late in the last century.

The Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge is something Fort Worth might be legitimately be proud of. Though not many Fort Worth citizens visit the nature preserve. And it is absurd that a city with delusional pretenses of being a World Class City, charges an entry fee to this park.

In downtown Fort Worth I like the Water Gardens. The Water Gardens seem to be a fairly unique downtown feature. I used to like downtown Fort Worth's Heritage Park until it turned into a boarded up eyesore.

Last, but not least, of the things Fort Worth might rightly take pride in, in my humble opinion, is the Tandy Hills Natural Area. I know of no other city in America which has acres of natural prairie so close to its downtown center.


A city that prides itself on allegedly having the world's first indoor rodeo, well, that is just embarrassing, again, in my very humble opinion.


  1. Fort Worth can also take pride in its extensive trail system along the Trinity River. Well, as long as it doesn't claim it to be first or biggest or...

  2. Steve A, I thought of including the Trinity Trails as something Fort Worth could be proud of. Then I remembered what it is like to bike the Burke Gilman/Tracey Owen Trail around Lake Washington and changed my mind.

  3. The western facades on many of the Stockyards buildings along North Main and Exchange are merely that. Facades. False fronts. Those buildings didn't look like that in the heyday of the stockyards.

    Those rustic wooden sidewalks and faux fronts were added in the 1950s and '60s to attract tourists to the area after Armour and Swift shut down.

    The Stockyards were cowtown and not cowboy town. Unless I am completely wrong which is entirely possible.
