Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blue & Max Take David, Theo & Ruby Sledding At My Future Home Zone Of Tacoma

This was so darn cute I just had to share.

I have been getting reports from Western Washington, all day today, that the predicted snow actually arrived, as predicted.

Those who have never lived in Washington don't know that it is fairly rare for Western Washington to get snow all over the Puget Sound lowlands. Up in the mountains, yes, lots of snow, but not so much the closer you get to the saltwater.

I learned on the Blue & Max Adventure Poodle Blog, this evening, that the snow covering Western Washington reached all the way to the south Puget Sound zone, to my living quarters in 2020, in Tacoma.

In the sled, that is my nephew David in the rear, with nephew Theo in the middle, which would make niece Ruby Jean in front.

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