Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The 4th Morning Of 2012 Dawns Almost Free Of Any Pain In Texas

Stepping outside to view the outer world on the 4th morning of the New Year it appears I am able to look at the pool below without having to look through the bars of my patio prison cell.

I think I may have been metaphorically liberated.

Every morning of the New Year I have greeted the new day in rather debilitating pain.

Yesterday morning I thought the pain had alleviated, but after sitting in my computer chair for a short while, when I got back vertical, I could do so only painfully.

This morning, so far, only a little residual aching remains. I'm hoping that remains the case.

Yesterday I resisted the urge to issue a BOLO for the missing Elsie Hotpepper. Miss Hotpepper has now established a pattern of going missing and then being found. So, I've learned not to be too concerned.

Well, this morning there was an email from Elsie Hotpepper with the short message being, "I have no food."

I suspect this may be a typo.

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