Saturday, January 14, 2012

The 2nd Saturday Of The New Year Dawns Blue In Texas

I stepped outside to look at the outer world through the bars of my patio prison cell about the same time the sun began its daily illumination duty.

As you can see, it is a clear, blue sky morning this second Saturday of the New Year.

What you can not see is the sun has already heated this Saturday morning to a relatively balmy 40 degrees. That is relatively balmy compared to yesterday's morning sub-freezing temperature.

Yesterday when I did my world-wide temperature checking I found my old home zone in Washington was the same temperature as my current home zone.

This morning it has happened again. What are the odds that two days in a row my old home zone and current one would be heated to the same temperature?

One major difference, today, between the weather in my old zone and my current one, is snow is in the forecast up in Western Washington. No precipitation, of any sort, is currently in the forecast for North Texas.

I got a strange auto-call yesterday, supposedly from U.S. Airways, telling me I had won a no-strings attached 7 day cruise out of some port in Florida. I had 24 hours to call and claim my prize.

I did not make that call.

Being stuck on a cruise ship is one of my visions of a living hell.

The picture of a cruise ship tipped over, this morning, in the Mediterranean Sea, was a bit disturbing. It will be interesting to learn what the explanation is for this currently unsolved mystery.

I wish I could say I am going swimming now. Well, actually I could say I am going swimming now. But it would not be true.


  1. Actually, your faith in swimming at unreasonably low temperatures seems like a goofy belief to me. Personally, I've seen more than enough snow for one week, so some sun is welcome.

  2. Steve A, going swimming when its freezing may be goofy, but it is a reality based activity, not a faith based activity.
