Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The 17th Morning Of 2012 Dawns Dark & Warm While Snow Covers My Nephew's Restaurant In Washington

As you can see, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell, the 17th morning of 2012 is very very dark, with just a little illumination provided by a sliver of the moon directly overhead.

Seeing a sliver of the moon directly overhead would seem to indicate at least a partially clear sky.

Currently, in the outer world at my location, it is 58 degrees. Yesterday's high got into the 70s.

I think I will see if swimming is doable this morning.

Changing the subject from the sublime to the ridiculous.

I watched last night's Republican debate.

Changing the subject from the ridiculous back to the weather.

My old home zone is bracing for what the weather predictors are predicting may be a record breaking snowstorm, arriving on Wednesday, with possible accumulations of well over a foot of the white stuff all over the Puget Sound lowlands.

In all my years of living in the Puget Sound lowlands zone I can only remember one time the snow got over  a foot deep. That was in December of 1996. That particular snowstorm had me trapped on the hill my house sat on for almost a week. I could only travel by cross country ski til the snow melted.

Spencer Jack's Dad's Fidalgo Drive-In
It was a Winter Wonderland. The steep cul-de-sac that my house was on became a sledding mecca well into the night, with night sledding illumination provided by the street lights.

This morning Spencer Jack's dad, my nephew Jason, sent me a picture of what his restaurant, the Fidalgo Drive-In, was looking like yesterday.

My nephew's restaurant is in Anacortes, on Fidalgo Island, hence the name of the restaurant. Anacortes is a port town. It is where you hop a ferry to get out to the San Juan Islands, or to Victoria, up in British Columbia.

A cold front is moving in today at my current location on the planet. I see no snow in the forecast.

1 comment:

  1. As a kid, I found night sledding or tobogganing especially fun.
