Saturday, December 3, 2011

Walking In The Rain In Gateway Park Looking For Fort Worth City Gas Lease Revenue In Action

The Future Of Gateway Park Boondoggle
Today on my way to Town Talk I decided to take a look at Gateway Park. I'd not been to Gateway Park in quite awhile. I was curious to see if some of the Fort Worth City Gas Lease Revenue in Action had been in Action in Gateway Park like it has been in action a couple miles to the east, in Quanah Parker Park, where new trail has been paved and other amenities, like solar lighting, has been added.

I figured since Gateway Park is much more heavily used than Quanah Parker Park that the Gas Lease Revenue in Action would have likely repaired the paved trail damaged by Tropical Storm Hermine, and would have repaired the boarded up boardwalks. And maybe have added restrooms to Fort Woof.

When I started walking in Gateway Park a slight rain hit my big black bumbershoot. A slow northwest in winter type rain. After about 10 minutes this turned into a light Texas-style downpour. I was soaked from my knees south by the time I was back under cover.

Trail Is Closed Temporarily
I don't know if the Trinity River Vision decided to make their signage more accurate or if one of the signs was graffiti-ized. But, the biggest of the many Trinity River Vision signs by Fort Woof says "Go Gateway! The Future of Gateway Park Boondoggle."

I was optimistic when I saw the paved trail was no longer blocked by a barricade and a DO NOT ENTER SIGN, that the trail washed out by Tropical Storm Hermine had been fixed.

As is usually the case, my optimism was quickly dissipated.

As you can see the trail is not fixed. It is like this in two locations. As you can also see, there has been sufficient foot traffic to wear a new path next to the damaged paved trail. Thus sort of making it obvious that people walk here. The sign says "TRAIL IS CLOSED TEMPORARILY FOR MAINTENANCE DO NOT ENTER."

Close To Public
The trail has been temporarily closed for well over a year now.

There are three sections of chain link fence along this trail. On each of them there is now attached the amusing sign you see here.


On two of the three signs someone has added a small "D" to "CLOSE."

I found this amusing. I am easily amused.

My optimism that the Fort Worth City Gas Lease Revenue in Action might have fixed the boarded up boardwalks also turned out to be a false hope.

It has been a very disappointing first Saturday of December, so far.

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