Monday, December 19, 2011

Walking Around Fort Worth's Emerald Isle Of Fosdic Lake After Seeing A Police Standoff With A Gunman & Helicopters

The Emerald Isle Of Fosdic Lake
Looking at that lushly green grass one might think I was in Ireland taking a walk on the Emerald Isle.

One would be wrong.

I was in Fort Worth taking a walk on the paved trail that winds around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

I remember awhile back when Betty Jo Bouvier saw my pictures of Texas being green and asked if it was really that green here. Betty Jo is located in Western Washington in the Evergreen State.

The last time I was in the Evergreen State was summer of 2008. At that point in time Western Washington was not being very green, except for the Evergreen trees. Western Washington was in drought mode, and thus browner than Texas at that point in time.

Washington calling itself the Evergreen State is a bit misleading. The east side of the Cascade Mountains, as in Eastern Washington, is mostly only green where irrigation provides water. Other than that Eastern Washington is browner than my location in Texas ever gets.

Changing the subject to my local neighborhood gunman incident.

A few minutes prior to exiting my above to head to Fosdic Lake I heard on the radio that there was a police standoff with a gunman at something called Texas Health Center near East Loop 820 and Randol Mill Road.

Yikes, I thought, that's right by where I live.

When I exited my abode and got a view of the sky I saw 3 helicopters hovering above. I assumed they were police helicopters.

Gunman Standoff At Texas Health Center
I drove down to Randol Mill, then took a right turn and then drove south on the 820 frontage road. On the other side of the freeway, at the Health Center, I saw a lot of police activity, cop cars with lights flashing, two news crews and a lot of people milling about.

Apparently a man walked into a doctor's office and aimed a gun at the office's employees. Then the police showed up, which had the guy with the gun threatening to shoot them and then himself.

Before anything bad could happen the police tasered the gunman and took him into custody.

Why were 3 helicopters in the air part of this operation, I could not help but wonder? Isn't it rather expensive to keep 3 helicopters hovering over head? What could helicopters do to help resolve this type situation?

Changing the subject from possible shootouts to my favorite one.

Rain has been falling ever since I finished walking around Fosdic Lake a couple hours ago. And the temperature has shot up to a relatively balmy 61. So far no thunder has been heard by my ears.

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