Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Standing Under Fosdic Lake Mistletoe Wondering About Godfather Don's Missing Feedback Regarding The Tandy Treegate Scandal

Fosdic Lake Mistletoe
I have not been feeling my usual energetic self for several days now.

I do not like not feeling like my usual energetic self.

I just got back from taking my un-energetic self to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake. I thought this type activity might revive me.

It didn't.

Now that the leaves have left the trees in Oakland Lake Park it is easy to see clumps of mistletoe.

That is what you see in the picture, a closeup look at mistletoe growing on a tree that has toppled over.

Previous to finding mistletoe on the ground I stood under mistletoe growing on a tree, waiting to get kissed. After about 5 minutes with no kiss, I continued on my walk.

Previous to leaving my abode I got email from Don Young regarding what is being called, by some, the Tandy Treegate Scandal, subject line, "my feedback missing."

Body of email: "Did you get my feedback on the Christmas tree issue?"

I have not seen any incoming feedback comments regarding this issue from Godfather Don. All blog comments come to me in email form, both the spam and the real comments.

I have learned lately that comments, made via an i-Phone, I do not get. According to Elsie Hotpepper. Though, with Elsie Hotpepper, I suspect it may be user error.

1 comment:

  1. One of my uncles was fined for cutting mistletoe on public property.

    He lived adjacent to a city park in Carrollton which is north of Dallas. Pretty cool park actually with a disc golf course.

    As you probably know, mistletoe can take over and kill an oak tree. Whoever issued the ticket wasn't interested in that fact.
