Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Second Saturday Of December Dawns Almost Freezing After The West Was Won With A Missing Elsie Hotpepper

Looking at the dawn of the 2nd Saturday of the last month of 2011 it appears my primary viewing portal on the outer world is a bit frosty.

That outer world in my location is currently chilled to one degree less than my old home location in the State of Washington, at one degree above freezing.

There will be no swimming for me this morning. Again. My extreme exercise reduction induced unabated weight gain continues at a rapid pace.

If this continues I should hit Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade float size by next Thanksgiving.

I had myself a really good night's sleep with epic dreams of cinematic grandeur, likely brought about due to last night's viewing, here, Where The West Began, of How The West Was Won.

Elsie Hotpepper has gone missing again. For well over 24 hours this time.Elsie always seems to return from her disappearances. I am going to assume this will happen this time and so I don't think I will go to the bother of issuing a BOLO for Elsie Hotpepper.

This is the moment in my morning blogging where I say I'm going swimming now. But, this morning I can not say that.

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