Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Morning Of Christmas Eve With No Snow & Christmas Present Desperadoes In Fort Worth

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on this morning of Christmas Eve I see nothing white in frozen flake form falling to the ground.

If anything white in frozen flake form did fall to the ground, at this point in time, it would quickly melt, due to the fact that currently, at my location, the outer world is being heated to a relatively balmy 39 degrees.

My swimming venue is back at full pool, with new lights making the water glow bright at night.

I don't think I will go swimming this morning.

One of the more disturbing news items I read online this morning happened here in Fort Worth.

Desperadoes broke into a Fort Worth home, where an 11 year old boy was home alone with his dog, a Chihuahua. The thieving desperadoes shoved the boy and his dog into a closet and then proceeded to empty the house of its Christmas presents and other valuables.

The thieves left behind one of the Christmas presents, Dallas Cowboys slippers, which prompted the perceptive 11 year old boy to say, "I guess they don't like the Cowboys."

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