Sunday, December 25, 2011

It Is A Merry Christmas Morning Of A Wonderful Anonymous Life In Texas

Merry Christmas morning to the outer world.

I do not know if any of the predicted possible snow fell on my location on Christmas Eve. There does appear to be dampness on the ground. But it is not frozen dampness, due to the fact that it is currently 40 degrees.

I was shocked this morning to learn that neither the Dallas Cowboys or Seattle Seahawks got their Christmas wish to win a game yesterday to get into the NFL playoffs. What a tragedy. I thought they'd be playing each other in the Super Bowl.

Changing the subject from football to it being a wonderful life.

This morning I got a comment from someone calling him or herself Anonymous in which Anonymous informed me I've had a George Baileyesque impact on his or her life. Anonymous does not indicate if this has been a good or bad impact. Below is the Anonymous comment....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Princess Annie Shoveling Snow On Christmas Eve After A Blizzard Blankets Wink": 


For the past few years, I've had a new tradition. One that I actually enjoy. I'll explain.

Each Xmas Eve I watch the 1946 film "It's a Wonderful Life." What a great flick. I always enjoy hearing George Bailey's line: "If it hadn't been for me, everyone would be a little better off..." (this is of course before his guardian angel interrupts him and reminds Mr. Bailey of his importance in this world ((something he overlooks))). have had a huge impact in my life and I think Christmas time is a good time to sit and reflect on that. So thanks. As I don't need a guardian angel to remind me of this, just this movie once a year! And the fun memories.

Merry Christmas. Hope Santa was kind to you this year! 

Who is Anonymous? I can't help but wonder.

Several suspects come to mind, depending on if I'm thinking the impact was good. Or bad.

I guess I"m gonna go with it must be J.D. Granger who is Anonymous. Yeah, I'm sure that's it.


  1. You have had an impact on many. Mainly the media. Merry Christmas, Durango!!!

  2. The impact was in fact good! And Mr. Bailey (Durango), thanks again for all you have taught me....hope you enjoyed your Xmas day and all your days to come.

  3. I second ya, Anonymous #1. Durango even makes some of our local journalists, especially the writers and bloggers, green with envy in terms of getting scoops about news and scandals that aren't supposed to be shared publicly, based on the FW Way of living in the B.S. drilling zone.
