Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In Texas We Do Not Chop Off The Heads Of Our Witches & Sorceresses

Texas may be a bit notorious for its seemingly unseemly number of executions.

However, in Texas, to get executed, you need to be convicted of murder. As in taking another life.

Now, Texas may have, a time or two, accidentally executed someone who turned out later to be innocent. But, those type mistakes are very rare.

And then we have the Barbaric, Medieval, Backwards, Inhuman, Embarrassing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Executing Amina bint Abdel Halim Nassar, on Monday, by chopping off her head, not because she murdered anyone. She lost her head because she supposedly "committed the practice of witchcraft and sorcery."

And we are allies of this regime why?

Oh yeah, they have oil.

Practicing Christian that I be, I heed the words of Jesus who said, "That which you do to the least among me, you do unto me."

I think Jesus considered all humans his children, not matter what race, creed or religion.

So, Supposedly Christian, sort of, nation that we be, how can America not get all up in arms over something like this?

What is a worse crime in need of punishment? Supposedly practicing witchcraft? Or chopping off someone's head?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, our great friends, the Saudis. Women can't drive, sanctioned beheading and bibles are forbidden. The mullahs get to oversee all this wonderful brand of Islam (think primitive Baptists here) if a blind eye is turned toward the corrupt hedonistic princely caste. And as a diversion, the US public is directed elsewhere. Oh, the Iranians, the Iraquis...
