Monday, December 26, 2011

The Final Monday Of 2011 Dawns Blue & Bloated

As you can see via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell, the day after Christmas is starting off as a very dark blue Monday.

The last Monday in the year 2011.

In another 6 days a new year will start.


The year the world ends if you are one of those morons who attach meaning to the end of the Mayan calendar.

I ate way too much yesterday. I have decided I will no longer overeat. It is wasteful and leaves me feeling way too uncomfortable for way too many hours.

I do not know how fat people do it.

Day after day of eating way too much is what one must do, I think, to reach the size of some of the behemoths I have known personally, or see, regularly, in Wal-Mart.

It is currently 8 degrees above freezing in the outer world at my location. My swimming pool is back in usable mode. I wish I was back, myself, in swimming pool usable mode, but I seem to have developed an inhibiting dislike of getting cold.

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