Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The 2nd Tuesday Of December Thinking About Rare Texas Rain & Blowing Up Drones

The pre-dawn view through the bars of my patio prison cell, of the early morning of the 2nd Tuesday of the last month of 2011, does not give you a clue that even though the sun has yet to arrive, already the outer world is being heated to a relatively balmy 52 degrees.

Yesterday morning, at first view of the outer world, I reported that the sky was clear. Within about 15 minutes it was raining.

So much for the accuracy of my weather condition observations.

Today weather prognosticators, other than myself, are predicting rain. I'll believe it when I get wet.

The only other thing I have on my simple mind this morning, other than the weather, is wondering why, if you are going to violate another nation's airspace with pilot-less drones, would you not equip those drones with some auto-destruct mechanism, like what happens to the tape after the Mission Impossible teams gets its mission?

Changing the subject from blowing up drones to swimming.

Even though the temperature average the past 24 hours has been above 50 degrees, I know that the swimming pool water is cold. I know I could get in it. But I also know I would not last long. I think I'll change my swimming protocol to 24 hours with a temperature average of 60 degrees or above. This seems far more sensible.

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