Sunday, December 11, 2011

The 2nd Sunday Of December Dawns Bright & Cold In Texas With Anonymous Commenting On My Bold Baldness

The dawn view through the bars of my patio prison cell indicates that the 2nd Sunday of the last month of 2011 is starting off with a bright clear sky.

My computer-based outer world temperature information indicates the outer world at my location is currently chilled to 36 degrees.

Once again I will not be going swimming this morning.

Speaking of swimming, well, more precisely, skinny dipping, whilst swimming. Yesterday I blogged about the similarities between myself and former President John Quincy Adams, including our mutual follicle challenges.

This prompted someone calling him or herself Anonymous to make what I found to be a semi-amusing comment....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Skinny Dipping President John Quincy Adams & I Are So Much Alike It Is Uncanny": 

Bald(ing)? You? I've been suffering under a misapprehension. Well, not suffering really - more like 'laboring' perhaps? No, not laboring either...anyway, I didn't know you are bald, or balding, and strangely, I still sort of doubt it. The pictures I've seen don't provide corroboration, unless you use spray-on hair. 

I am sorry I caused someone Anonymous to suffer. But it pleases me to learn my spray-on hair is successful in creating its intended illusion.

This would be the part in my morning blogging where I usually would say it is time to go swimming.

I just realized this is the first morning that someone might realize that the reason I wear a wool cap when I go swimming is so that my spray-on hair does not get washed away.

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