Monday, November 21, 2011

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake With Ducks While Looking For The Missing Elsie Hotpepper

Fosdic Lake Fosducks
I do not recollect walking around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park, previously and so many birds. In addition to the quacking Fosducks there were a lot of birds in the trees.

Collectively all the Fosdic birds were making quite a lot of noise.

The atmosphere was being very hazy in the noon time frame. As I drove west towards my walking destination the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth was barely visible through whatever it is in the air that was reducing visibility.

It was 47 degrees in the outer world when I left my abode. When I finished my salubrious walk around Fosdic Lake as soon as started the engine of my motorized transport device rain began hitting the windshield. Not in copious amounts, but sufficient to require activating the windshields water removal device.

I did not go swimming this morning because I did not think the 24 hour temperature average was 50 degrees or above. It is 52 degrees, currently, in the middle of Monday afternoon. I don't think by tomorrow morning the 24 hour temperature will be 50 or above. Maybe I will try swimming anyway.

Has anyone heard from Elsie Hotpepper? I've not heard from EH since Saturday.

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