Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Thinking About Veterans, The Buffet At The Kickapoo Indian's Double Eagle Casino & Nachos At Black Rock Mexico

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at an outer world chilled to 41 degrees I'm feeling like time is quickly slipping away because a third of the next to last month of 2011 has already passed into history.

Speaking of history, today is Veterans Day.

I probably should go walking at Veterans Park in Arlington today, but I likely won't.

Changing the subject from Veterans to something else.

Last weekend I virtually went south to the Texas/Mexico border to the town of Eagle Pass where I virtually had a really good $4.99 buffet at the Kickapoo Indian's Lucky Eagle Casino. The town of Eagle Pass is situated on a river called the Rio Grande. On the Mexican side of the river is a larger than Eagle Pass town called Piedras Negras.

I believe in English Piedras Negras translates as Black Rock.

Black Rock, Mexico is where the gourmet dish that goes by the name "Nacho" was invented. If I remember right, I blogged about this recently.

Changing the subject from Nachos to swimming.

Yesterday morning it was 41 degrees when I went swimming. The high for that 24 hour time period had been barely 60. I had a very pleasant time in the pool yesterday, followed by a very pleasant hot shower. This morning it is also 41 degrees, but the high in this particular 24 hour time period was higher than yesterday's 24 hour time period. Which means, I think, that the pool will be warmer than yesterday.

I will test this theory in a couple minutes.

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