Monday, November 14, 2011

Up With The Sun The Second Monday Of November Thinking About Incoming Japanese Floating Balls

The dawn of the 2nd Monday of the next to last month of 2011 has arrived with the sun illuminating what appears to be a clear blue sky.

Even though currently the sky is clear, rain is in the forecast for today. A 20% chance of wet stuff falling. With a greater chance of getting wet tomorrow.

Currently, at this early hour of the morning, the outer world is being heated to 67 degrees. The high today is scheduled to reach the low 80s.

I had my windows open all night long. I do not previously remember leaving my windows open, at this location, all night long in the middle of November. This almost switches me back to being a global warming believer.

I saw two interesting things in the news this morning. Both involved Japan. I was surprised to learn that Japan's economy expanded at a 6 percent rate during the most recent quarter. That is a much bigger expansion than the American economy experienced in the most recent quarter.

And, unlike Japan, we in America have had no HUGE earthquakes or tsunamis to deal with.

Speaking of which, that's the other interesting news this morning that relates to Japan.

The debris field washed out to sea, following the Japanese tsunami, a debris field the size of California, is due to start washing up on our west coast shores any day now.

That should make for some interesting beach combing.

When I was a kid I recollect beach combing on the Pacific beaches in the Ocean Shores/Copalis zone of the Washington coast. At that point in time the Japanese fishermen still used glass balls to float their fishnets. Those glass balls would  break loose from the fishnets and make their way to west coast beaches. I recollect only finding one. A small one.

Speaking of small balls floating long distances, it is time for my morning swim before it gets any hotter.

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