Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two Weeks Til Thanksgiving With Rick Perry Being A Turkey In Last Night's Republican Debate

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world at the bright beginning of Day 10 of the next to last month of 2011.

It is only two weeks until Thanksgiving. We are on the fast track to Christmas and a New Year.

Speaking of turkeys, I got a strange thing from TXU in the mail yesterday. You non-Texans reading this, TXU is a Texas electricity provider. Yesterday's TXU mailing thanked me for being such a good customer by giving me an up to 16 pound turkey or up to 9 pound spiral cut ham.

To acquire the turkey or ham requires going to Krogers. I don't like going to Krogers.

Still speaking of turkeys, Rick Perry had another really bad debate night last night. Perry's gaffe that had the pundits in full punditry mode came when Perry said he'd eliminate 3 departments of the government. He then proceeded to try to name the three he'd get rid of.

The Commerce Department, the Education Department and, uh, uh, uh, uh. Not able to remember the third one. Perry ended his gaffe by saying "OOPS."

Later in the debate Perry remembered the third department he wanted to get rid of was the Energy Department.

I'm finding the Republican Debates to be rather entertaining. I don't recollect making it through to the end of so many debates the last Presidential Election cycle as I have already during the current one.

It's getting late. It is currently 41 degrees. Time to go swimming before it gets any hotter.

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