Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Trinity River Vision's J.D. Granger Wins A Coveted FW Weekly 2011 Turkey Award

J.D. Granger Wins Coveted FW Weekly
2011 Turkey Award
If I remember right, last month I mentioned going to a TRIP sponsored forum at Fort Worth's Botanic Garden.

J.D. Granger was scheduled to be on the forum panel, but panicked and cancelled at the last minute. This news was greeted with loud booing when it was announced to the assembled forum goers.

This week's week before Thanksgiving edition of FW Weekly is the 2011 Turkey Awards issue.

J.D. Granger won one of the coveted Turkey Awards.

This is what FW Weekly had to say by way of explaining why J.D. deserved this coveted award in the cover article title "The Big Bird".....

Last month, the Trinity River Improvement Partnership (TRIP) sponsored a forum at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden to discuss the merits of the $900 million Trinity River Vision project and ask questions about where that money will come from, what the justification for the project is, and what it has to do with flooding and water quality issues. About 125 people showed up, but it was one person missing that stirred the ire of the citizens. J. D. Granger, executive director of TRV, had promised to sit on the panel and give direct answers to those important questions. But at the last minute, he cancelled. The only one to show up on the “pro-TRV” side was a gutsy Jim Lane, a board member of the Tarrant Regional Water District. Lane did his best to answer some of the questions, but the water district is handling only part of the project. The reason given for Granger’s backpedaling was that he realized the event would involve discussing policy, and, shucks, he’s just the hired hand (although he’d known about the format of the event for weeks). But the fact is that Granger is in charge and is one of the few people who can sort out where this multi-agency project is going. Canceling at the last minute just doesn’t cut it. Maybe voters should drop him from their holiday invitation list. Oh, wait. That’s right. He’s not an elected official.

1 comment:

  1. Is anyone disturbed by the fact that J.D. Granger is Congresswoman Kay Granger's son? He is not an elected official. How do you think he got his job? He makes over 100K a year serving as the project manager. He has no background in urban planning.
