Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Shadow Of The Skinny Dipping Thin Man Up Way Too Early On The First Day Of November

You can sort of tell by looking at the picture of the Shadow of the Skinny Dipping Thin Man that I am up well before the sun on this 1st day of the next to last month of 2011.

What you can not tell from the picture is that a bout of insomnia is what has me up way too early.

You can also not tell from the picture that it is currently heated to 59 degrees in the outer world in my location.

My aching right arm pain came back with a vengeance last night.

While I lay awake lamenting my pain I pondered how odd it is that the right arm that aches is attached to my right hand. And that I use my right hand to do my computer mousing.


I am left handed. Using my left hand to do my computer mousing would seem very awkward.

If the sun ever rises and lights up the outer world I'm going swimming. The average temperature the past 24 hours has been well over 50, which means the pool water should be warmer than the last time I went swimming.

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