Monday, November 7, 2011

Looking To Be A Stormy Monday In Texas

Lookng skyward from my secondary viewing portal on the outer world we can see that this first Monday of the next to last month of November looks to be starting a bit on the stormy looking side of the way the sky can when the sun arrives to light up the morning.

It is currently 70 degrees outside at my location. The prediction for today and tomorrow is for rain and thunder, possibly in copious amounts.

The possible incoming moisture caused Miss Puerto Rico to call me last night to ask if I would help her batten down the hatches this morning on her jeep. Miss Puerto Rico leaves for her home island early Wednesday morning.

When I was in Arlington yesterday I did not realize the Seattle Seahawks were in town, getting beaten, again, by the Dallas Cowboys, in Cowboys Stadium, by a score of 25 to 13. Nears as I can tell Seattle is being rather hapless with its sports teams these days, both of the professional sort and the collegiate sort.

I slept rather well last night, with my windows open. I do not recollect having my windows open in November at this location on this parched part of the planet before.

I did not feel the earth move last night. There were no reports this morning of new Oklahoma earthquakes.

I think I will go swimming now in a pool with water significantly warmer than it was a couple days ago.

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