Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is Rick Perry Toast After Giving A Speech In New Hampshire While Appearing To Be Toasted?

That is the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, giving a speech on Friday, October 28, 2011, somewhere in New Hampshire.

I do not recollect ever witnessing such a bizarre meltdown by a politician before. A lot of people viewing the video believe that Rick Perry is drunk whilst giving the speech. Methinks that is just going for an easy explanation, when it is more likely that this speech just shows how deeply in over his head this guy is.

You can watch the YouTube video of Perry's allegedly drunken speech below. As you scroll down to the video you'll pass some comments people have been making after watching the video....

Rick Perry counters Herman Cains smoking ad by saying "Oh yea you smoke on camera, well I'm drunk on camera! beat that!"

What a two-faced message. He's all weepy about "jobs" but only after first saying (in code) no unions, low wages, lower taxes for the rich, reduced social services. This drunk wants a MadMax society, then gets teary over the dog-eat-dog competition for the crumbs. He speaks of "small business" as a promise, but his policies ACTUALLY describe a regime where Big Bidness will roll right over the small guys like armadillos stuck in hot Texas road tar. I'd drink too, if I I had to spout his BS.

Rick Perry, what an unelectable kook!

Well I was going to say Rick Perry only has one problem, opening his mouth. Looking at this video it is plan to see he also has a problem standing while drunk! Rick Perry got toasted now he is toast!

See what happens when you allow Fracking, you get Rick Perry, and this idoit wants to remove the regulations that the EPA has on corporations like Chevron and Enron. I swear he's related to Sarah Palin.

Rick Perry needs to quit the race, right now.

If this man isn't drunk then he must have a medical condition that we need to know about. What an idiot. I feel bad for the people of Texas. How embarrasing. How pathetic. What is he thinking, Where is Mrs. Perry . . . passed out in the limo. Oh well, I guess Saturday Night Live is going to eat his lunch this next week.

Come on, wake up. He's been drinking. Why is that so unbearable to believe? "Oh, no, this is just the way we talk in Texas." With your arms swinging everywhere and slurring your words and making one-syllable exclamations into two syllables? No, he's been drinking. So what. He shouldn't be President for a few reasons besides that. And probably not Governor either.

He said it all right in the beginning "brother in Christ". That type of "Christian" doesn't allow for any other type of religion or belief. He's already got some preacher endorsing him which is against the rules. Wait until a bit later in the video...Is he passing out or just looking like one of those TV preachers that have to close their eyes when they're preaching. Keep these religious nuts out of politics.


  1. I think he was separated at birth from the 1980s-era Robert Tilton.

  2. Video not working.
