Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Ides Of November Dawns Dry So Far In Texas

It is the Ides of November.

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world, in the early morning of the 15th day of the next to last month of 2011, you can sort of tell it is yet one more clear blue sky day, so far, at my Texas location in this parched part of the planet.

So far, as far as I know, none of the predicted rain has hit the ground in my zone of the planet. More predicted rain is scheduled for today.

If I had a place to bet on such a thing, I would bet that no rain is going to fall today.

Currently the predictors are predicting that tomorrow, Wednesday, it will get cold, as in 35 degrees cold.

35 degrees cold means I likely will not be trying to go swimming tomorrow morning. I've discovered that I am not a big fan of shivering.

So, I think I will go swimming now and get in a bout of being waterbound before the predicted chill arrives.

1 comment:

  1. The ides of November is the 13th day not the 15th day. This is true for most months. Only four months have the ides on the 15th. Ides comes from the Roman lunar calendar. It is the day when most months had the full moon.
