Saturday, November 26, 2011

Getting Whacked Like A Mole Because Of My Constant Weather Reports On The Last Saturday Of November

Blue appears to be the dominant color that I see from my secondary viewing portal on the outer world this last Saturday of the next to last month of 2011.

The outer world is currently being heated to 60 degrees.


If the weather predictors are to be believed that temperature is heading to a freezing temperature of 32 at some point in the next 24 hours.

We are also advised by those same weather predictors that it will be windy today.

Speaking of the weather, which is something I seem to frequently speak of, someone named Park Lover commented on my weather reports this morning....

Park Lover has left a new comment on your post "The Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge Made A Whopping $39,885 In Admission Fees Last Year From 45,000 Visitors": 

I usually play Whack-A-Mole when commenting to you in the past. Bad manners not to wish you a happy holiday and that despite my frustrations with you at times, your blog is highly entertaining (minus the weather reports) and makes me laugh. 

Why would anyone be frustrated with me at times I can not help but wonder? And what is Whack-A-Mole? Am I a mole being whacked without realizing it?

Speaking of blog comments and other comments. I get a lot of them. I have 5 blogs. The one you are reading right now gets the most comments because it has had the most posts. An appalling 4,085 blog posts. Any one of which gets comments. Most of which are spam. As of this morning I have hit the publish button on 5,331 comments on the Durango Texas blog.

But, it is not the blogs that generate the most feedback. It's my Eyes on Texas website that is the major feedback generator. And most of that feedback is asking me a question. Which I always feel obligated to answer.

Right now I feel obligated to go swimming before it gets cold in the outer world.

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